State of Vermont’s Next Generation Scholarships for Residents


Millions of New Funding Available This Year

Gov. Jim Douglas and the state legislature have set aside money with one goal in mind: Keeping young workers inside the state.

This is a necessary step since the baby boomer generation in Vermont is going to require extra assistance because of increased health costs, and the burden will fall on the shoulders of working taxpayers.

The University of Vermont, Vermont Student Assistance Corp. and the Vermont State Colleges have all received part of the Next Generation Scholarship money.

Are You Eligible?

You must be a Vermont resident. There are then two ways you can receive an award:

  1. Apply directly with UVM or any Vermont State College application. The first awards were given out without the recipients having to apply specifically for the award. However, next year may change due to possible changes in legislation.
  2. If you had no family financial contribution and you are a first year student, you may be the right candidate for a $1000 award. 400 of them are being awarded by the Vermont Student Assistance Corp.
This entry was posted 17 years, 7 months ago in Regional.