50 Million in Private Funding from One Man in Denver!

Tim Marquez

Social Security Number a Requirement However

This is one rich guy, oilman Tim Marquez, who put up $50,000,000 of his own money to help 500 Denver Public School students attend college.

The problem is that many very deserving, but illegal, citizens will not be eligible for the scholarships.

Marquez and his lawyers are basing their decision on a federal law that prohibits harboring illegal immigrants. They also said state laws could prohibit giving the money but couldn’t cite any.

Anyone in their right mind can agree that sending a kid to college should not be considered “harboring illegal immigrants”. But the law is the law, and if the man gives away millions of dollars, it’s in his best interest to remain squeaky clean.

This issue will only gain momentum. See another post we have on a private fund that DOES give out money to illegal immigrants.

This entry was posted 17 years, 7 months ago in Regional.