Big Y Grocery Store Awards
Over Quarter of a Million Dollars in Scholarships to Students in Northeast
Big Y Foods, Inc., a leading grocery store chain, expects to dole out over 300 college scholarships next year to academically talented customers, employees and their dependents. There are over 50 Big Y grocery stores, most located throughout the Northeast:
- Connecticut
- Massachusetts
Part of Big Y’s scholarship program includes special assistance for the dependents of law enforcement and fire fighters, as well. All scholarships are merit-based.
Get a Big Y Application
Students residing within a Big Y market area should see their high school career office for an application or visit their local Big Y outlet. Applications will be available as of October and must be postmarked no later than February 9, 2008.
Information necessary for applications:
- School transcripts
- SAT/ACT scores
- List of extracurricular activities
- Letters of recommendation
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