$25,000 Winnable From Cappex.com

Search Service Brings Colleges to YOU


Yet another search service, but Cappex argues, “we’re different.” Seems they focus their energies on the college admissions process versus scholarships, but scholarships are what they are giving away to students that sign up. Money is money, and $25,000 in free college cash is welcome from wherever you can find it. The Cappex college search service is free and the scholarships fall into various categories:

  • Major-specific Scholarships: there are nine-$1,000 awards in this category, a couple with deadlines on September 30, 2007.
  • “Just Because We Love You” Scholarships: four scholarships ranging from $2,000 to their newest for $5,000. A Hardship Scholarship, “Cappex Promoter” Scholarship, general Cappex College Scholarship, and “A GPA Isn’t Everything Scholarship.” Deadlines for these fall between November 30, 2007 and January 30, 2008.
  • College Tour Travel Scholarships: two-$250 awards for travel expenses. First awards are dispensed August 30, 2007 and then monthly, with the last pair awarded in January 2008.

Eligible applicants must:

  • Register as a Cappex.com user.
  • Be a U.S citizen with a Social Security Number.
  • Be a current high school student.
  • Have a GPA of 2.0.

Apply Now!

This entry was posted 17 years, 6 months ago in Companies.