Foresters Adds 30 New Student Scholarships

Funds Up to $2.8 Million for 2008

Foresters, a membership-driven financial management corporation, is prepared to award up to $2.8 million in scholarships for 2008. The Foresters Competitive Scholarship program is open to student members or dependents of members to assist with the rising costs of tuition. Foresters counts over 900,000 members between the United States and Canada. If you or your family is a Foresters member you may qualify for the Foresters Competitive Scholarships program. For 2008 Foresters has added 30 new scholarships. Now 350 students may win up to $8,000 each over the course of four years each toward their college tuitions.

*New applicants that can demonstrate a combination of community service as well as the tenacity to face personal problems and challenges may enter to be considered for special scholarships. The Ken Petersen Award for Community Leadership awards two applicants with first year scholarships of $5,000 each.

Students may meet scholarship requirements in two categories: undergraduates under 25 years old and “mature students” over the age of 25 enrolled in vocational or undergraduate study that provides at least a two-year degree.

Eligibility Rules:

  • Student applicant must be a Forester member or dependent of a member in either the U.S. or Canada.
  • Must be enrolled full-time in post-secondary education.
  • Students under 25 must have a 3.0 GPA to qualify.
  • Mature students may satisfy academic requirements when they prove full-time enrollment in a post-secondary institution.
  • Eligible students must prove involvement in community service projects.

Apply online for a Foresters Competitive Scholarship by November 30, 2007. Scholarship winners will be announced in February 2008.

Scholarship winners may receive $2,000, renewable for up to a maximum of four years or until degree completion, whichever comes first.

This entry was posted 17 years, 4 months ago in Community Service, Companies.