It’s Simple–Eat Burgers, Win Scholarships

Bumpers Drive-In Scholarship Contest Adds an “Early Bird” Award


The Bumpers Drive-In Discover Mississippi Scholarship Contest is a staple for Mississippi college-bound students. The annual contest will run from January 18, 2008 to March 31, 2008. As usual, junior and senior high school students from around the state are welcome to compete for scholarships.

This year, Bumpers has added a new $2,500 “Early Bird” scholarship.

This is how the contest works:

There are 12 Bumpers Drive-In locations throughout the state. You pick up an initial “Passport” entry form from your closest Bumper’s. To qualify for any of the scholarships you must drive around the state (discover Mississippi) and hit all 12 Bumper’s locations. At each Bumper’s you get your Passport stamped. A full passport constitutes an entry for scholarships between $1,000 and $10,000 each.

The Early Bird contestants must have their Passport stamped by all Bumpers locations by 10 pm January 21, 2008, or within the first few days of the contest. That’s some serious burger eating and driving.

Who’s eligible to enter?

  • You must be a high school junior or senior and a resident of Mississippi.
  • You must have a legal driver’s license and if you’re under 18, a parent’s signature on your contest entry (Passport).
  • You must be planning on attending college following graduation.
  • You must have a Passport officially stamped by each of the 12 Bumpers in the state.

Find complete rules and a downloadable map of all the Bumpers locations on the scholarship website.

If you don’t make the initial Early Bird contest, you may still fill up your Passport entry form for a chance to win one of 17 other scholarships valued between $1,000 and $10,000:

Besides the one Early Bird scholarship, these are the other awards:

  • 2-$10,000 awards
  • 1-$5,000
  • 2-$2,500, one of which goes to a current Jackie’s International employee (Bumpers, Western Sizzlin’, etc)
  • 6-$2,000 regional scholarships
  • 6-$1,000, 5 of these go to contestants that are on-site for the April 19 final drawing.

Remember, the Bumpers Drive-In Discover Mississippi Scholarship Contest begins on January 18, 2008 and ends on March 31, 2008. The Early Bird Scholarship ends at 10 pm January 21, 2008. By April, Bumpers will give away over $50,000 in scholarships. Why miss out?

This entry was posted 16 years, 8 months ago in Companies, High School, Regional.