Archive for the 'Black Students' Category
Thanks to Denny’s and Tom Joyner A couple of months ago we told you about the Brothers on the Move Scholarship sponsored by the Tom Joyner Foundation, a scholarship to help young African American males. Next, this same foundation, in partnership with Denny’s, will award scholarships to single African American parents. **Every week during 2008 […]
New Academic Scholarships Could Mean Full-Rides for 400 North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University in Greensboro, one of the nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), is making history for its newest scholarship. The Lewis and Elizabeth Dowdy Scholarship Program will go to 400 new students beginning in 2008. Based on academic record incoming […]
Awarding $1500 Each Week Driven by the impulse to encourage black males to attend Historically Black Colleges and Universities, the Tom Joyner Foundation has launched an innovative and attractive weekly scholarship. The program, cleverly dubbed, Brothers On the Move Scholarship, will award one-$1500 scholarship per week to a black male student attending the “HBCU of […]