Archive for the 'Essay' Category
$5,000 Cash from the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America Teens, the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) wants to educate you on the growing Alzheimer’s epidemic. Why? The AFA believes that a growing number of teens are being forced into roles as caregivers for a family member suffering from Alzheimer’s. In response the AFA has launched a […]
Teachers AND Students Win Prizes and Cash Although this is a contest, not a scholarship, we feel it should still be posted. Elementary school teachers: inspire your classroom students to craft essays that illustrate an experience they had with good sportsmanship. Up for grabs: prizes and cash from Backyard Sports. Student essays should be personal […]
Put Your Passion into Words and Images: Earn Money for College The Hear Me Project scholarship contest is designed for students passionate about HIV/AIDS as well as writing or filmmaking. The Hear Me Project has invited outstanding student stories, fiction or non-fiction, that creatively and engagingly use the HIV/AIDS theme as its core. New for […]
Perfect for Bookworms Signet Classics, a publisher of over 300 of “the greatest literary works the world has ever known”, announces their 12th annual award. Five $1000 scholarships will be given out next year. The Topics There are 4 essay topics from which to choose. They all deal with the classic novel, Dr. Jekyll and […]